Cyber Security as a Growing Career: The New Technological Rise in Current & Post Pandemic Market
As the world facing a global crisis, a widespread technological outcome has been surfaced ever since the beginning of the pandemic. It took only a few months for people to adjust to new work settlements amidst the unfamiliar halt. The adoption of technology is one of the life-saving things during Covid-19. From children to adults, everybody took great advantage of the 21st-century modern equipment. The rise of technological devices, applications, and jobs is at its peak since the global pandemic hit us all. Almost all companies and educational institutions have gone digital for the sake of future progress and adopted the concept of 'work from home' and 'online classes.' By far, technology seems to be the only alternative that is still challenging the pandemic to work its way out.

With the growing technological world and ongoing pandemic, the need for tech jobs has increased, and one of the top examples is Cyber Security. Cyber Security is the field of study focusing on protecting computer data, servers, etc., from unwanted malicious attacks. A cybersecurity professional is responsible for handling various web threats from forced downloads, no password protection, and other forms of negligence. It is one of the highest paying jobs globally, with a mean salary of around INR 12 lakhs per annum, and one of the many reasons for becoming a cybersecurity professional. It is estimated that there will be roughly 250 billion connected digital devices by 2022. Due to the wide range of devices accessible, it becomes easier for cyber attackers to hack many users' systems by tricking them through web manipulations. According to an international law firm 'Reed Smith', Cyber-crime spiked by more than 400% in March 2020, compared to previous months due to the global pandemic. Therefore, there is a rising demand for cybersecurity experts in almost every tech and computer operating company to protect their valuable market information from getting hacked. Public, private, military, hospitals, nearly all significant sectors urgently require their skills to protect their data.

As we know that Cyber Security professionals are in extreme demand right now, but what about the post-pandemic situation when things go back to normal? For this, we must understand that there is no going backward for the technology which has already emerged. People have already gotten used to technological development and will continue to expect the same level of progress. Due to this, most Indian and global cyber/internet security companies are looking to expand operations. Hence, the era of Cyber Security is not fading anytime soon, and it will have a more significant impact career-wise too in this digital age. A statistical study points out that "95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error". It means that most of the users are not technically skilled, and therefore, the requirement for cybersecurity experts is much needed to combat virtual threats.

The current generation of learners recognizes the value of technology, leading to many students wanting to become cybersecurity specialists. It is essential to learn new things which can help you build a robust career. While working with computers, many people develop an interest in combating web threats and cyber-crimes. There are many cybersecurity courses, both- online and offline, through which one can become a certified cybersecurity professional and kickstart their career in this field.

The pathway to cybersecurity leads to many career opportunities and a financially secured future. Recently, India ranked 10th in the Global Cybersecurity Index 2020 (GCI), as stated in a report by International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations agency for information and communication technologies (ICT). India has improved its ranking and moved up 37 places, making a place for itself amongst countries like the USA, Japan, France, and more. This new achievement signifies that Indian industries have a massive requirement for cybersecurity professionals in the post-pandemic world.